お嬢様 (ojousama)

Welcome to my Palace


What is "Ojousama?"

The Japanese word "お嬢様" (ojousama) literally means "(someone else's) daughter," but it refers to a lady of status and can be translated as "young lady," "madam," or even "princess."
ojousama.neocities.org is my lovely little blog! I was a yapper before yapping was the hip thing to do. My need to yap has made it hard to use social media in a balanced way. This blog gives me a place to get all my yapping done. I also needed something more personal, something I could really make my own. Instagram's stark white UI is not fit for a princess such as myself. I'm nostalgic for 2000s web design and want to live my childhood website owner dreams. I'll talk about what I'm up to, my thoughts, and my interests! Not to be too self-important, but I'd like to think I have some interesting things to say!

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this is my real life perfume!

Are you "Ojousama?"

That's me! Though my demeanor isn't always perfectly refined, I try to live my life as much like a princess as possible. I'm a university student majoring in Japanese Studies, and I hope to continue my efforts in the study of language and become a professor of language and linguistics. My hobbies include baking treats, illustration, fashion, crafts, singing, finding new coffee spots, and video games. (I also like anime but I try to keep quiet about it because it's kind of a bad look for a Japanese studies major). I'm very sensitive and I'm not trying to fix this or grow "thick skin." I believe the world is powered by love and friendship and life is all about loving and taking care of each other.
Pretend that that picture on the left is a picture of me.