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i come back after a depression fueled hiatus to someone trying to start crap over me being a proshipper because i don't think people deserve to be harassed over their opinions on fiction. whuh?
moonview 6 months ago

for the record i am not a proshipper. i am an adult with worries outside of which of my friends is getting their rocks off to something i may or may not find objectionable.

qorner 6 months ago

i saw the post you’re talking about, and honestly if people don’t bother to look through someone’s website enough to find publicly stated info before following them that’s their own problem. all signalling someone out does is cause drama, which is kinda ironic since anyone who actually bothered to read your blog post would see the whole point was you just don’t like harassment.

qixzy 6 months ago

Some people really need to get a hobby

1 like
Website is awesome ,and I love the art! Dropping a follow for sure ^w^
1 like
moonview 7 months ago

just fixed a few small bugs

1 like
ur site is pretty cool, a vibe
moonview 7 months ago

thank you! :)

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reminder #1204450342445934935 that somebody's website isn't your coding sandbox. if you want to use my site like that? don't publish it to neocities. download brackets or something and fiddle with it on your local machine. putting your website consisting of stolen code and broken links onto neocities will only get you mocked by the community.
a0i 7 months ago

getting really tired of neocities being a toxic place....

1 like
queenofarms 7 months ago

Agree. If you have vscode you can install an extension called "live server" by Ritwick Dey. You can make a server that updates everytime you save a file. Better to do that if you're using someone elses layout for learning purposes instead of uploading it.

oh my god i think that xchrisue user turned off their profile after you commented? i tried finding a way to contact them but their profile had been turned off and their email link literally. points to my email.... they have a guestbook though so hopefully they'll see my message.
dreemurr 7 months ago

*and* deleted my comment? jeez :/ i don't get the point of doubling down on stealing exact code when there are plenty of free layouts out there.

wait where did all of you come from i thought i only had like 560 followers just yesterday. where is my grandson
komichi 8 months ago

i have no idea too xD, i checked it also and i was surprised

moonview 7 months ago

@komichi: i apparently got posted to pinterest (my V3 layout for some reason?) so maybe thats where it came from?

HI i recently switched to firefox. i promise i'll fix the fucky wuckies on the site once i'm able

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CreatedJan 30, 2016
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90s personal anime blogging 2000s