malice in wonderland

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almost finished with transferring the stuff to the new site, so my ev graphics section on here is now gone. once everything is moved over i'll have the site url posted :)
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malice-in-wonderland 5 months ago

i'm not abandoning malice in wonderland btw, this is just for the ev graphics! i feel like it deserved it's own place rather than it being buried in my site. i will be active on both sites!

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hello! i decided that i will be moving my evanescence graphics page to its own dedicated website! this will be a bit of a slow move as i have a lot to go through as well as basically having to relearn html and css, but it's happening! more to come soon <3
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malice-in-wonderland 5 months ago

once i'm finished moving everything to the new site i will post the url and remove my ev graphics section on here (regular collection will be staying). additionally, i will be using the new site to archive other things such as interviews and old fansites that i've found on the wayback machine

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedMar 21, 2021
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evanescence goth metal rock art