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wrote a short blog post about getting approved by insurance!!! very very happy about it
14-4ml 1 month ago

congratulations !!! so happy for you ^_^

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maddiemuu 1 month ago

@14-4ml waaa thank you!!!

dontgankthepencils 1 month ago

I had a friend who went through something similar, and she was so much happier and in better health after she had the surgery. Hope all goes well!

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maddiemuu 1 month ago

@dontgankthepencils thank you!!! it always feels so nice to read about other peoples' stories... the vast, vast majorty i've seen have been so positive, which really helps me nerves wise. i'm feeling confident in my choice!! :-)

this week is finals week for me, so i will not have the time to do anything substantial re:fun, but after that, i might make a poll for diff. blog post topics. i have a couple ideas, and might end up writing all of them, so it'd likely just be what i do first (i can't decide ':]). the twist...? some will be mostly positive and some will be mostly negative, but i won't say which in the poll. mwah hah hahhhh.
maddiemuu 1 month ago

i don't usually write longer analysis type stuff for "fun", so i think it'd be a fun thing to try getting into a stylistic groove for. most "media analysis" i do takes place in the form of texting with friends lol. though to be fair i DO write these texts in a pretentious psuedo-academic style, which is also just sort of way i naturally speak. maybe they're born with it (pretentious syntax). maybe it's maybelline

camo93 1 month ago

good luck on finals!

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maddiemuu 1 month ago

@camo93 thank you!!! :D

have been having some thoughts abt potential blog posts today... some are good and kind and some are me in full hater mode. this is just like those awful mobile game ads that give u the choice between Good Baby and Evil Baby.
strange-things-happen 1 month ago

the blog posts are always fun either way :]

cobyzaby 1 month ago

*chants* evil baby evil baby

this site is super neat so far!! i love the western aesthetic. really excited to see how it develops :-)
feralasar 1 month ago

Thanks! I am glad you like it!

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i might try out adding tooltips to my about me page so i can give little plot summaries or quotes for the different things i have listed there... i feel like that'd be especially helpful for the misc section
what a cool site!! i love the layout + color scheme, and i had a super fun time checking your music out!!
14-4ml 1 month ago

thank you! i love your art, i really like how well your backgrounds go with the characters :)

1 like
all my music blog posts were dated to february... whoops. that's fixed now. in related news i have not been sleeping great recently LOL
added a new section to my about me page for misc stuff i think is fun... probably mostly youtube videos and articles! right now there are two there... i will add more later :]

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CreatedFeb 26, 2023
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