The Horror GIF Necronomicon

22,743 updates
1 tips
Hey this is one of my favorite site on here. The style is so good, seriously creative :0 And I have an idea: maybe you can make a Zombies category? Zombies are amazing ;)
horrorgifs 1 year ago

I realized that the section that include zombies (Monsters) was missing entirely from the index. I intend to create an independent zombie section once I find at least 24 unique zombie gifs. to the next page are the current zombies.

horrorgifs 1 year ago

Thanks very much for visiting, I hope it was as spooktacular as can be!

skelenby 1 year ago


1 like
The Most Intense Update since the Inception, the Horror Gif Necronomicon now has a Spooky Backgrounds, Creepy Lines, Horrifying Sounds, new gifs, hundreds of added songs, and more for your web pages and viewing pleasure! Check out the new update between today and tomorrow, just in time for the Halloween season. The uploading will take some time due to the amount of changes, so be warned of broken & missing content!
horrorgifs 2 years ago

Also, the GIF pages have been revamped entirely! The categories can be chosen right form a hotbar at the top and the background music continues even when changing pages!

1 like
horrorgifs 2 years ago

This also marks the 10th year of this horror GIF collection being on the internet, with it's first incarnation at in 2011.

1 like
Hilarious, thank you
yudosai 3 years ago

ur welcome

Coming soon this month! New update with hundreds of new gifs + 3 new sections for halloween backgrounds, lines, and sfx!
horrorgifs 5 years ago

Small update removing the pop-up window and changing the "book" for future expansion!

1 like
horrorgifs 5 years ago

Oh, and if you have recently visited the site, things may look a bit wonky due to old images in the cache of your browser. But I hope you enjoy this mini-update, I will be publishing a larger one towards Halloween adding several new sections.

1 like
Beautiful site! And absolutely lovely Halloween gif collection, you have some rarities, my friend. Please check out my site, I'm sure you'll enjoy, I recommend the Song page ( Have a spooky day.
1 like
upallnight 6 years ago

Thank you!

This site is amazing!
horrorgifs 6 years ago

Thanks! I commented on your site before even realizing you saw mine! Such a great coincidence. As I said, your site is beautiful and I'm excited for future updates.

1 like
upallnight 6 years ago

I'm a week into it now and don't plan on stopping. I love the community and feel right at home here.

Website Stats

Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedSep 7, 2015
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midis halloween monsters horror gifs